Pro Tips

Pro Tip #1

Pro Tip #1

Golf Instruction: 3 Ways to Make More 4-Foot Putts

One of the fastest ways to shave a couple of strokes off your round is to make more 4-foot to 6-foot putts. Why? Because the average golfer will have putts from this distance an average of two to eight times per round but will only make 40% of them. Learning to hole a few more putts from this critical distance is an easy way to lower your scores and boost confidence in your game.

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Pro Tip #2

Pro Tip #2

PGA Pro Tips: Add 10 Yards to Your Drives by Starting Your Golf Swing in Athletic Balance

You can hit longer drives – without changing your golf swing - simply by starting in better balance. Because golf is a sport it requires good balance. When you are not in good balance your body wastes energy keeping you upright – energy that otherwise could be translated into more clubhead speed. Since clubhead speed is the most important factor in distance (every 1 mph increase in clubhead speed generates about 2.5-yards in distance), wasted energy means loss of distance. The trick is to start in an athletic "ready" position, which you can easily achieve during your set-up. 

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Pro Tip #3

Pro Tip #3

PGA Pro Tips: How To Eliminate Mistakes (GASP) on the Golf Course

Sometimes the easiest way to lower your score isn't so much to make a better swing as it is to simply eliminate mistakes. Jack Nicklaus believed that 80% of your swing mistakes could be addresses in your set-up, and he makes a good case because changing your set-up is far easier than trying to change your swing. So if you want to avoid those blow-up holes it pays to pay attention to your set-up during your pre-shot routine.

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Pro Tip #4

Pro Tip #4

PGA Pro Tips: Should My Junior Specialize Early In Golf?

There is an increasing level of pressure for juniors to specialize early in one sport. But is it a good thing? Parents ask us "Is specializing early what it takes to produce the next Tiger Woods or Jordan Spieth?"
The answer, according to emerging research, is no.

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Pro Tip #5

Pro Tip #5

PGA Pro Tips: Let The Kids Fail, Please!

We all want the best for our kids. We want to nurture them. Protect them. Keep them safe. Help them avoid making the same mistakes we made growing up. But it has led to an epidemic of helicopter parenting, hovering over kids to protect them from every possible mishap, and it is ultimately sabotaging the very thing we want most - to see kids grow into happy, successful adults.

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Pro Tip #6

Pro Tip #6

PGA Pro Tips: Top 10 Reasons Kids Should Learn Golf

Getting your juniors started in golf will be one of the greatest and most valuable gifts you ever give them. Here are our Top 10 reasons to get kids involved in golf:

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Pro Tip #7

Pro Tip #7

PGA Pro Tips: Add 25 Yards to Your Drives by Letting Go of Tension (the Famous Potato Chip Exercise)

The best thing you can do to improve your distance off the tee is to increase your swing speed. The worst thing you can do to try to get more distance is to swing HARDER.

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Pro Tip #8

Pro Tip #8

PGA Pro Tips: The Secret to 15 More Yards Off The Tee Is At Your Fingers

Do you make this mistake with your grip pressure that could be costing you 15 yards or more off the tee? In an effort to pick up a few more yards on your drive, do you grip the club really hard, thinking that if you could just put a little more power into the shot you could launch a bomb?

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Pro Tip #9

Pro Tip #9

PGA Pro Tips: Add 30 Yards To Your Drives With The Power-X

The idea of having a fluid, tension-free swing that is at the same time powerful and dynamic enough to drive the golf ball 300 yards seems like a contradiction until you understand the concept behind the Power-X.

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Pro Tip #10

Pro Tip #10

PGA Pro Tips: Widen The Arc of Your Golf Swing to Add 25 Yards to Your Drives

Driving the golf ball farther is largely a function of maximizing swing speed through impact. One of the most effective ways to add 25 yards or more to your drives is to focus on a wider swing rather than a taller swing.

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Pro Tip #11

Pro Tip #11

PGA Pro Tips: Power Golf: Add 30 Yards To Your Drives By Maximizing Your Leverage

You don't need to be muscle-bound to hit longer drives. But you do need to take advantage of all the power you have available to you. The way you maximize power in your golf swing through leverage. Archimedes once said "Give me a lever and a place to stand and I can move the world."

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Pro Tip #12

Pro Tip #12

PGA Pro Tips: Is Your Aim True?

You don't need a perfect golf swing to score well. In fact most golfers can easily drop three to five strokes per round simply by making one simple adjustment. The single best thing you can do to eliminate mistakes and improve scores is to aim correctly.

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Pro Tip #13

Pro Tip #13

PGA Pro Tips: The Golf Breakdown

When seeking to improve at golf - or any other sport - it helps to know how to break the game down. Like the old saw "How do you eat an elephant?” breaking the game down to smaller parts will allow you to concentrate your efforts "one bite at a time."

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Pro Tip #14

Pro Tip #14

PGA Pro Tips: 6 Ways to Winterize Your Golf Game

Here are six easy ways to winterize your golf game so you can hit the ground running next spring.

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Pro Tip #15

Pro Tip #15

PGA Pro Tips: Stop Fixing Your Swing. Start Training For Results

The one thing golfers value above all else is consistency. Yet when they practice they often achieve the exact opposite. If you want to improve your consistency - and your scores - it is vital to understand the difference between practice and training and to adjust your range time accordingly.

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Pro Tip #16

Pro Tip #16

PGA Pro Tips: Spots, Shots, and Thoughts: 3 Word Mantra for Smarter Golf

The next time you play try repeating this simple mantra to lower your score: spots, shots, and thoughts. You’ll make smarter course navigation decisions, better club selections, and simplify your mental game.

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Pro Tip #17

Pro Tip #17

PGA Pro Tips: The Learning Process: What’s My Brain Doing?

Whenever we learn something new we go through three phases of learning: the Cognitive phase, Integration phase, and Automatic phase. These three phases are called the Learning Process, and understanding how the learning process works will help you learn new skills better, faster, and easier.

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